What is leadership coaching?
Great leadership starts with self-leadership.

My Leadership Coaching Philosophy rests on the bedrock that we can become the leaders of our lives by expanding our self-awareness.
In my leadership coaching practice I aim to help you become the leader of your own life and achieve your difficult, thorny and aspirational goals. I’ll create the space and freedom you need in order to take a step back and do your best thinking. It is a collaborative, solution focussed and systematic process in which I facilitate the enhancement of your self-awareness to drive your personal and professional growth.
Leadership Coaching is about more than just business
While things happen around us, to us, and sometimes for us, it is 100% up to us to decide how we react and interpret these things. Once we realize and start truly internalizing this, more calm, clarity and success are just a stone’s throw away.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
I believe this insight to be of tremendous power. If we stop just letting things happen and living on autopilot led by unconscious beliefs, values, fears and motivators we can step into our true power. We can start owning the narrative of our lives that we are telling others and, more importantly, ourselves and start living intentionally.
Living intentionally means uncovering limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, it means choosing how to (re-)act in difficult situations rather than having knee-jerk reactions, it means actively examining and selecting our own values, it means knowing our personal North Star. And it means becoming the leaders of our own life.

I believe that leadership coaching can be a truly effective process for just about anyone wanting to take charge of their life, but entrepreneurs and leaders are often particularly well-suited to coaching because the stress and pressure they are under often pushes them to their limits and inspires them to ask themselves what kind of person they want and need to be to succeed.
If you’re ready to take charge, be it as an entrepreneur, as a business leader at work or as the leader of your own life, get in touch. I’d love to have a chat.